Thursday, 27 March 2014

Unsafe Behaviour and Condition (UB&Co) - Distraction at Work

REF: OT/TRD/14/001
Date: 26th March 2014

To: Masters and Chief Engineers

Subject: Unsafe Behaviour and Condition (UB&Co) - Distraction at Work

Over the last six months, we had received 16 UB&Co reports related to unauthorized use of mobile devices (smart phones, music players and radio) or while on watch and/or at hazardous zone.

Using of mobile devices mobile devices at hazardous zone is a serious breach of tanker safety rules and regulations. Crew members who had found committed such breach should be reprimanded and the mobile device should be confiscated immediately.

Also, using of mobile devices, carrying out non-essential work or conversation while on watch keeping duty or at work could cause the crew member being distracted from their primary duty. This could lead to serious accident and personal injury.

From recent industry Lesson From Incident (Feb’14), “Distraction from Primary Duty” was identified as the main root cause which lead to collision between a tanker and a cargo ship.

With immediate effect, Masters and Chief Engineers should implement the following measures to prevent distraction at work:

         Place warning sign on navigation bridge, ECR and CCR which carries message:
Ø  “ Do not use any mobile devices, music player or radio which could cause distraction while carrying out watch keeping duties”
Ø  “Do not carry out non-essential work (e.g. updating chart & publication) or engage non-work related conversation which could cause distraction to the personnel on duty.”

         Confiscate the mobile device and/or reprimand the crew member involved if found breaching the “No-Distraction at Work rule”.

         Raise NC report for any violation.

         Encourage crew members of ALL RANKS to report any non-conformity to “No-Distraction at Work rule”. Remember there should be NO RANK when safety is concerned.

Please discuss this circular with ALL crew members onboard and convey the message to them during Shipboard Safety Meeting.

Best regards,
Tan Say Yeow
Crew Training Department

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